Saturday, May 30, 2009

School's Out For Summer!!!

Oh the great wisdom of Alice Cooper. Yes, school is out for the summer here in Cokeville. The last week just flew by. The highlight of the week was the 5th Annual Film Festival. For you who don't know, this is when my film making students get to show off all of their projects that they have done to the community. I had ten students in the class and they came all dressed up to the hilt and looked really sharp. We started the evening by showing a lost film that was made about three years ago. It was a film created by Kalvin Watson. For some reason, it got lost somewhere in cyber space, but I found it, fixed it up and showed it to the community. It is a urban legend of the Windego and it is funny. After that, we showed their "Super Bowl" ads, then music videos, (this years were by far the best since Brady's class, lots of good stuff), silent videos, a short film created by the class for an economics class (it was pretty funny), then a Q & A with the students, movie trailers, and then the all important feature movie. This years movie was directed by Andrew Petersen and it was based on the sitcom "The Office". We called ours, "The Classroom". I had never seen "The Office" until we started production. All in all it was a 2 1/2 hour long show. It was a blast and we received many compliments.

Graduation went well. Once again I did some up-to-the-last moment editing on the senior slide show. It all turned out well. The worst thing that happened was that I got word our yearbooks would not get here in time for the yearbook signing party. The main company once again screwed up. They blamed the economy because they laid off a bunch of people that worked in their web design department. They violated our contract still. I really don't know when we'll get the yearbooks. I'd like to go back to the cd version. That way I know that things will go well and I have complete control over everything. If people want a book, they can print the pages out themselves.

A couple of weeks ago, I got home and there was a package from our California friend John Scarett. He sent it to Kennan. I had no idea what it was until Kennan opened it, this is what he sent to Kennan:

Yes, they are Laker shirts. Kennan is a huge fan of the Lakers. Right now he is pretty excited that the Lakers are in the Finals. He is currently playing in a team basketball camp in Evanston. It is a camp for high school JV teams. Coach Fiscus asked if Kennan wanted to go and he did. Kennan is actually playing in some of the games. Here he is a sixth grader and he is playing against sophomores. He loves it. Earlier in the month of May, they had World Day for Kennan's class here are some more pictures of that. Kennan did Mexico, if you couldn't tell.

This next picture is his entire class. Yes it is a big class and yes there are a lot of boys in the class and yes it is hard to think that we will not have a kid in the elementary next year. All our kids that will be home will be at the high school. And one final yes, yes I am getting old.

The boys and girls track team finished off the season by placing 2nd in both the boys and girls division. For the boys, it was quite a feat. They only had 5 who qualified for state and they scored 75 points. The girls made it closer than what some may have thought. Both teams lost to Burlington. It was a good year for the tracksters.

Brady sent us an email telling us how he and his companion have been tracting by horseback. It is hard to believe that he only has 41 days left, but who is counting. Back to the horse riding, he did send us a picture of how he and his companion are doing it.

I doubt that they will get any where using that horse. He is loving his mission and doing well.

McKenzie will be starting volleyball camp next week, then basketball camp, then more camps. A new era of volleyball will be starting next week. It is hard to believe that I am now the head honcho. Because of this, I quit being the faculty advisor to the student council. I wasn't getting paid to do this so it wasn't a big deal. Then the person who is taking my place told me that he is getting paid to do it. I checked with the office and it is true, after all these years, I was suppose to get paid as the advisor. The reason I wasn't getting paid is because when I first started, the secretary at that time told me that they don't pay student council advisors. So I never checked back. I only missed out on about $10,000. But I did get paid this year. If I wasn't a bishop and a head coach, I would still be the advisor, paid or not paid. I enjoyed working with the students.

Our other missionary also sent us a picture. Yes Trevor has put on a little weight. Not much though. Don says Trevor weighs about 215. He started to lose the weight at his last area because he had to ride a bike. Now he is back in a car. There goes his weight loss.

That is about it for now. The family is doing well. I'll post some more things later. Some things that will shock you!! Not really. Just want to keep you in suspense.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sorry, no pics

Just a quick note of what went on in our life. Because it is a quick note, there is no pictures. Sorry!

Two weeks ago, we went to Provo to watch a nephew get baptized. Kennan was asked to say the closing prayer and McKenzie was asked to do a musical number. It was quite interesting. Down in that stake, they do ward baptisms at a stake level. So there were two families involved. Two cute boys ready to accept the baptism. Just before the meeting was to take place, in a five minute period, I heard 6 cell phones go off. Amazing that people want to be contacted in a Church. Cell phones have taken over the world, just like the computer has.

The night before, we as a family, went to a Brazillian restaurant. The food was okay. I've tasted better, but because my birthday was coming up, my meal was free. Yes, for freeeeeeeeeee! (Need to watch a movie to get that last little bit, you know, Bedtime Stories).

Well now the most important stuff. This past weekend, it being my 37th birthday, we went to the NCAA Men's Volleyball championships at BYU. It was great. The semifinals were fun to watch (UCI over Ohio State and USC upset win over Penn St.). The next day, Ellen and I went to the Timpanogas (however you spell it) Temple. It was packed, but it was worth it. Then Ellen and Kandyce went wedding shopping and McKenzie, Kennan, and I went and watched Star Trek. You have to be a real trekkie to get the little sayings that were done. Apparently there was me and two other people who laughed at the little sayings. Good movie, don't take kids, too much swearing. Later in the evening, we took Derrick and Sheila out for supper. Derrick then asked Kennan if he wanted to watch the NBA game with the Lakers and Rockets. Of course Kennan said yes. He had a lot of fun at their house.

The next day we went to the championship match and watched a 5 game thriller win by UCI over USC. I got to talk with USC's coach before the match. He just happened by and smiled and said hello and I started blabbing on about his team and he was cordial enough to listen to my babblings. Had the opportunity to visit with Carl McGown and his wife, Susan and also their sons Paul (whom I haven't seen for over 5 years) and Chris (who was the announcer at the game). Just a great week of volleyball which makes me excited for volleyball to start. Also got to see my 6'9" nephew who will be playing for BYU next year in basketball. What a funny kid.

Today is Mother's Day. Mom came out and had dinner with us. Kandyce made the dinner and it was luscious. I really appreciate mom for what she has done for me and also my wife and the example she is for me.

That is it for now. When I have more time and my thoughts are more organized, I'll post again.